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Tuesday, April 26

We Don't Practice Witchcraft Therefore We Are Changing Our Brand Name From "Manifest Your Dreams" to "End Times Public Relations" ...

Hello Friends, Family, Colleagues AND Haters ;) 



As anyone who truly knows me, know that ... 

I have a strong passion for digital marketing, website production and public relations. I am highly skilled, and I have represented dozens of satisfied clients including Grammy Award WINNERS. 

In my early twenties, when I started Manifest Your Dreams Publicity in 2009, I was clueless of the serious implications of the New Age nature of "manifesting" ones "desires". I was gullible, and fell for following The Law of Attraction. I named by infamous company Manifest Your Dreams Publicity at the time, to later go under Manifest Your Dreams Strategic Communications. 

I'm now changing the name I've used for my Marketing & PR company for over 13 years, because God has told me to. It's NOT Godly! 


There is a time & season for everything, and I believe God used me over the last 13 years despite the name not aligning with His Word. 

"Everything works together for the good of those that  love Him, and are called according to His purpose." 


Well, anyway, now, I recognize the implications of using the term "Manifest Your Dreams" therefore I rebranding the Marketing & PR co. to be very much in line with what I stand for now, and that is: 


It's a NEW season, and I'm exciting for the ventures I encounter in the future under this New Brand Name! 

All pages & groups are either being updated or archived. 

Thank you to everyone who has bee on this INCREDIBLE journey with me! 

Eternal Affairs TRUTH Media is STILL MY BABY and will ALWAYS BE MY #1 PASSION! 

However, if you need website production, publicity or PR, or any form of digital marketing services, please get in touch. I can surely help you (as long as your company's mission aligns with mine). ;) 


Follow the NEW Facebook Company Page at: