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Friday, August 18

Biblical Truth: 'An Eye For An Eye' in The New Testament


God has spoken to me, and I'd like to make the argument that "an eye for an eye" has NOT been done away with.

Now hear me out ... this comes from The Spirit of The Lord.

There has been a change with The New Covenant of Jesus Christ. ONE simple change, but a HUGE one, that entirely transforms how this "an eye for an eye" principle works.

Instead of you repaying your enemies, God repays you!!!

For what you do or speak, God will bring about these fruits in your life.

We do NOT call it "karma" for that is a Counterfeit of a Biblical Principle, which already existed in The Bible. It is real BUT it is NOT some buddhist principle. the enemy has come to "steal kill and destroy" and he does this to God's Christian Principles that were 1st written in the pages of The Bible ... if you'd only read and pray to have understanding.

It is Biblical that what you sow you will harvest. If you are about the things of the world, you will gather ashes and dust, however if you are about the things of God's Kingdom, you will produce life and life abundantly through Christ Jesus.

The Bible states that "power is in the tongue" both "death and life".

God repays your enemies and He repays you! in EVERY WAY!

Therefore "an eye for an eye" ... the basic principle itself has NOT been done away with. It has only changed from giving what you receiving to receiving what you give. Let me say that again.

Instead of:
- giving what you receive
it has changed to
- receiving what you give

God repays!!! The wonderful news about this is He repays with interest!!! or I guess not so "wonderful" if you are sowing evil!!! 

You have the opportunity to plant a seed in my 13-year Truthful Media Ministry today ... Click Here!

Tuesday, June 20

Filmmaker Mike Hyzy Sheds Light on the Opioid Crisis in "Prevention Through Engagement"




Filmmaker Mike Hyzy Sheds Light on the Opioid Crisis in "Prevention Through Engagement"

Prevention Through Engagement Film - Production Still



Chicago, IL - June 20, 2023 - Acclaimed filmmaker and author Mike Hyzy announces the release of his latest documentary, "Prevention Through Engagement," a compelling exploration of the opioid crisis and the transformative power of community-focused solutions. This thought-provoking film delves into the devastating impact of fentanyl, a deadly synthetic opioid, while highlighting the inspiring work of social enterprise Warp Corps in combating addiction, homelessness, and suicide.


"Prevention Through Engagement" is the culmination of Mike Hyzy's passion for storytelling, social entrepreneurship, and his personal experience with the tragic toll of addiction and suicide. Through this documentary, Hyzy aims to not only raise awareness about the opioid crisis but also inspire action and change.


As the part of Crisp! Mobile Grocery, the groundbreaking startup that revolutionized SNAP acceptance for grocery delivery, turns his creative focus to filmmaking, utilizing his skills to shed light on societal problems and amplify the voices of those affected.


Warp Corps, the subject of "Prevention Through Engagement," is a social enterprise based in Woodstock, Illinois. They employ a unique model that combines business and social impact, utilizing the proceeds from their sales of skateboards, coffee, and custom apparel to fund initiatives that combat addiction, homelessness, and mental health challenges. The film showcases Warp Corps as an exemplary community-driven organization that provides a blueprint for other social entrepreneurs seeking to make a difference.


Through interviews, personal stories, and compelling visuals, "Prevention Through Engagement" humanizes the opioid crisis, breaks down misconceptions, and highlights the urgency of addressing this pressing issue. The film emphasizes the power of community, resilience, and the potential for business to serve as a catalyst for social change.


"As a director and a social entrepreneur, my goal with 'Prevention Through Engagement' is to inspire action. To show that businesses can be a platform for social change. To show that with innovative thinking, we can find solutions within our reach. This film is a call to action for anyone who believes in the power of community and the potential for business to make a difference." - Mike Hyzy, Filmmaker and Author


"Prevention Through Engagement" offers a unique perspective on the opioid crisis, combining the artistry of filmmaking with a deep understanding of the social and economic factors at play. By sharing his personal journey and highlighting the remarkable work of Warp Corps, Mike Hyzy compels viewers to confront the crisis, challenge preconceptions, and take action.


For more information about "Prevention Through Engagement" and Mike Hyzy's work, please visit:


Website: (Social Enterprise and Film)

Film Website:



Mike Hyzy, Filmmaker and Author


Wednesday, June 14

Transformative Book Tackles ..‘Racial Bias’ .. Does It Exist Within All Of Us?

Snap Judgment by Roger Edwards, Jr.


Knightdale, NC, USA (June 14, 2023) – Author Roger Edwards, Jr. tackles a tough issue … the issue of racial bias within all of us. He recounts his experience with this unpleasant reality while purchasing his first home.

But this brilliant book takes a twist when he realizes that maybe, just maybe, he carries an unconscious ‘Racial Bias’ of his own.

It's a new eBook -- a memoir blending personal growth and Christian testimony.

Brief Synopsis:

Roger, an African-American, shares a memorable moment during his “homeownership” journey when he encountered racial bias. Not only does he reveal six important lessons he learned about racial bias along the way, he also shares how his faith—and the “still, small voice” — helped him overcome unconscious bias when buying his first home.

This journey interweaves such a wide range of topics like "The Talk" (and its importance in the Black community), housing discrimination, child sponsorship, and the Christian faith as it explores unconscious racial bias—not only its obvious harms but how it can sometimes rob you of unexpected blessings.

Inside this book, you’ll:
● Learn the six lessons that Roger, as a person of color, learned about racial bias when buying his first home.
● Learn the importance of using “The Talk” to prepare children of color for the realities of racism in a way that does not also cultivate unconscious bias in them.
● Discover how to listen to the “still, small voice” and welcome unexpected blessings—even when faced with potential racial bias.

And so much more!


Grab Your Copy Today or Book Roger for an Interview:

Book website:

Amazon book link:




Roger Edwards, Jr.

End Times Public Relations Featured
Transformative Book Tackles ..‘Racial Bias’ .. Doe...
June, 2023 @

Tuesday, May 9

“Goodfellas” Tableman, Doug Ferony, Releases New Album “Catch the Wave” with More to Come





“Goodfellas” Tableman, Doug Ferony, Releases New Album “Catch the Wave” with More to Come

Doug Ferony - Catch The Wave

May 9, 2023 – New York, NY, USA - Doug Ferony has a long list of credits including “Goodfellas”, “The Irishman”, “The Sopranos”. You’ll be excited to know that he recently released his new album “Catch the Wave”, available to be purchased now here, … and there is so much more to come in the summer of 2023.  

Doug is focused on his music career and his Jazz Quartet, however has a long list of Film & TV credits under his belt.

He has acted in many Motion Pictures and TV Shows including but not limited to The Martin Scorsese Film, “GoodFellas”. Doug is Table Guy in the Copa Cabana when Ray Liotta enters & Doug is the waiter that brings his table to sit down.

He also plays in the movie “Back to School” with Rodney Dangerfield, “Spider Man 2”, “Inside Man” with Denzel Washington and most recently Martin Scorsese 's “The Irishman”, “Law and Order SVU” and “The Sopranos”.

A song Doug wrote and recorded, “I’m in Love with a Girl” will be featured in the APPLE TV SHOW, “AFTER PARTY” this summer. The song was published with Love Cat Publishing and you can hear it on Spotify and Apple:

Doug is in the process of working on a lot of COOL NEW projects so stay tuned to his Official Website for more:


End Times Public Relations Featured
“Goodfellas” Tableman, Doug Ferony, Releases New A...
May, 2023 @

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