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Monday, September 18

Do You Feel Emotionally Safe? … 7 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Self-Care and Become Emotionally Safe


Do You Feel Emotionally Safe? … 7 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Self-Care and Become Emotionally Safe


Do you feel emotionally safe?

(New Jersey, NJ) – September 18, 2023 - Poonam Bhuchar has an amazing story to tell about how she survived sexual assault, attempted suicide and so much more.

In her book Safe from the Pain she chronicles her life challenges and offers relevant advice on others can overcome them as well. 

Safe From The Pain - Self Care Book


This is much needed in our current society where so many more young women as well as men are facing these life struggles and don’t know where to turn. They need guidance from someone who has been there.

In Poonam’s book now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indigo, as well as in audio version (narrated by herself) on Audible, you’ll read all about these topics & more:

Surviving sexual assault, attempted suicide, and an arranged marriage is one thing. Processing all that pain so you can live a full life after is something entirely different. In the shadows of emotional pain, survival can take priority over healing. Peace and empowerment after trauma are possible—when you embrace your pain as part of you. After trauma, Poonam Bhuchar reemerged as a survivor and reclaimed her power. Part memoir, part self-help revelation, this inspiring story and the transformational SAFE Method will guide you into the light of a prosperous, happy life.


FREE Download!7 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Self-Care and Become Emotionally Safe


In addition to the book, she offers courses, and is available for speaking arrangements. In particular, she specializes in “burn out in the corporate world, suicide, and emotional wellbeing in colleges.”




Poonam Bhuchar