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Prayer ARMY ⚔️

Sunday, December 3

Revival in The Midst of THE STORM ... A Dream

Revival in The Midst of THE STORM ... A Dream I had last week and already shared on Social Media! 

Just had an amazing [dream] displaying the power of the Holy Spirit in these times. He's about to sweep mightily, and move so much more!


the storm is here, it is upon us!

and He is here with us!

this one will require a vid or something to explain and display the power of the spoken word

God is amazingly good all the time!!! His will be done!

#Biblical #BuckleUp

My dream was so powerful with The Holy Spirit, mighty revival was here. there was something in my dream everytime I SPOKE "The Storm". the Glory of God would fall like crazy so strong immediately EVERYTIME I SPOKE "THE STORM" TO THE POINT THAT PEOPLE WERE FALLING OUT BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!

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