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Monday, March 25

BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THIS RISING STAR: Logan Umfress Is Already Smashing His Baseball Career Out of The Ballpark


BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THIS RISING STAR: Logan Umfress Is Already Smashing His Baseball Career Out of The Ballpark


(Belden, MS), March 25, 2024, High School Freshman, Logan Umfress loves to play baseball, and is gearing up for an exciting career for those coaches that wish to follow him. He’d love to be invited to more camps.

He’s 15 years old and currently playing 15U select baseball for USA Prime Baseball and Highschool Baseball for Tupelo Christian Prep.

Logan is an Honor Roll Student and achieves amazing academic scores. He will graduate in 2027.

A power hitter that has been awarded PG All Tournament, and many other awards, he is a consistent switch hitter with some of the highest batting averages on his teams. He will never let you down hitting several Homeruns each and every season.

Logan is also defensively strong and agile for an athlete at 5’10” and 200 lbs.

His primary position is 1st base, but also plays 3rd base and Pitcher.

You can follow LOGAN UMFRESS on his social media:

Twitter: @LoganUmfress

Instagram: @LoganUmfress

Youtube: loganumfress2557





Andrew Herrington Head Coach

Grew up in Olive Branch, Ms and graduated high school from Marshall Academy. Played 2 years of Junior College Football at Northwest Mississippi Community College where I was a part of the 2015 NJCAA National Championship Football Team. Prior to coming to TCPS i served as an assistant baseball coach at Bolton High School (TN) in 2020, and also most recently at Center Hill High School (MS) from the fall of 2020 until after the 2022 season. I have been coaching baseball since 2017, starting in the travel baseball side and working my way towards high school.

My wife Kayla and I live in Guntown, Ms, and we have a daughter, Aubrey, she's 2 years old. 

My family and I are blessed to be a part of the TCPS family and are excited about the upcoming baseball season. Go Eagles!



Paxton Pearson Assistant Coach

Coach Paxton Pearson brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for baseball to the TCSP Baseball Team as the assistant baseball coach. With a deep understanding of the game and a dedication to player development, Coach Paxton plays a vital role in shaping the team's success both on and off the field.

Coach Paxton Pearson was committed to play collegiate baseball out of high school at the University of Illinois Springfield. Unfortunately, due to an injury Paxton was unable to continue to play baseball. He attended the University of Mississippi before entering the world of coaching.  Coach Pearson began their coaching journey with Easley Baseball Club and TCPS.  Coach Pearson is married to Madi, and they have one daughter Beckham.

As the assistant coach, Coach Pearson works closely with the TCPS Baseball head coach, Andrew Herrington and the players to refine skills, develop strategies, and foster a culture of teamwork and excellence. Their coaching philosophy centers building confidence, emphasizing fundamentals, promoting a growth mindset, empowering players to perform at their best in every aspect of the game.

With a passion for coaching and a commitment to excellence, Coach Pearson continues to inspire and guide the next generation of baseball players, leaving a lasting impression on the TCPS baseball community.


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