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Monday, November 29

Manifest Your Dreams Publicity ReLaunching With More Than Just Marketing & PR Services (Update 04/26/2022)

 Hello Friends, Family & Haters, 

UPDATE 04/26/2022: We've changed the name to END TIMES PUBLIC RELATIONS!!!

This is Curtis "Ray Biselliano" Bizelli. Most people online now know me as the CEO & Publisher of Eternal Affairs Media, or Watchman of The End Times! However, what many don't know is I founded another company Manifest Your Dreams Strategic Communications (Publicity) in 2009 and the company went on to provide services for Grammy Award Winners and had hundreds of satisfied clients. 


UPDATE 04/26/2022: We've changed the name to END TIMES PUBLIC RELATIONS!!!

When I started focusing solely on my Media Operation & Prophetic End Times Ministry, Eternal Affairs Media (founded in 2010), I temporarily shut the digital doors to Manifest Your Dreams Publicity. Besides, Facebook removed our Page which had garnered thousands of likes & follows plus many 5-Star Reviews! It seemed like the best option was to call it quits and focus solely on Eternal Affairs Media! 

My primary focus is still Eternal Affairs Media, at this time, however ... 

in order to fund Eternal Affairs Media, which receives little ad revenue or donations, we need to re-open Manifest Your Dreams. 

Manifest Your Dreams Strategic Communications (Publicity) is YES! A Digital Marketing & Public Relations / Publicity Agency, however we are also beginning to provide even more services such as Website Production for a fraction of the cost you'll find elsewhere! 

and I'm offering most of our services on: 

SEO Clerks 



Thank you for joining me on this new endeavor. I look forward to serving many of you! 

God speed ~ In Truth, 

Curtis "Ray Biselliano" Bizelli 

UPDATE 04/26/2022: We've changed the name to END TIMES PUBLIC RELATIONS!!!



Eternal Affairs Media | the truth powered by The Truth